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Offering Many Techniques to Provide Customized Chiropractic

doctor examining patientIt’s understandable to be nervous when you first come in, especially if you’ve never had chiropractic care before. We meet patients where they are, communicate really well with them and help them using a wide range of techniques and approaches, so that we’re never doing anything you’re not comfortable with nor ready for.

Our doctors are skilled in many different chiropractic methods, helping us personalize care to your preferences, as well as your specific body’s needs.

You’re in Charge of Your Health Decisions

We keep you in control by carefully explaining and demonstrating every technique before we begin providing care. If you want to try a different method or opt out of any part of care, that’s always listened to. We always take the time to go over every technique, rather than catch you off guard, since our mission is to ensure every patient is comfortable in our office.

If one strategy isn’t producing the results we wanted, we can always change our approach as needed. Our doctors find what’s best for each patient, since your body is different from everyone else’s.

Individualizing Care to You

There’s more than one way to give an adjustment. Our office is equipped with chiropractic tables that have all kinds of bells and whistles, enabling us to use different methods on different visits as your body’s needs change.

Many patients prefer the extra gentle instrument-assisted adjustments from the Arthrostim or Activator Method®, especially if you’re experiencing inflammation from a car accident or injury. We also have massage tools, lumbar traction, and electric stimulation.

Our care helps with anything from your spine to your ears or ankles. If you’re having a health problem, let us know about it! There’s probably something we can do to help your body find it’s way back to normal.

Helping Each Patient Achieve Total Health

While chiropractic care can take many forms, the end goal is always the same: freeing your body up to heal itself naturally. Which technique is right for you? There’s only one way to find out! Call our office today to get started with customized care.

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