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Maximize Your Chiropractic Adjustments With Stretching

tricep stretchJust like eating nutrient-dense food, exercising regularly, and getting quality sleep can contribute to our overall health, chiropractic adjustments are essential to our well-being too. To make the most out of your chiropractic care, we recommend incorporating prescribed stretches into your recovery process. Let’s look at some of the benefits of stretching after your chiropractic sessions.

Reinforces Adjustments

Stretching reinforces the adjustments made during your chiropractic session. When your chiropractor realigns your spine or adjusts other parts of your body, your muscles, ligaments, and joints need time to adapt to these changes. As Dr. Alexander says, “I can put your spine back into alignment, but your muscles are what hold it there”. Stretching helps to cement these corrections, preventing the muscles from pulling your spine back into misalignment. This proactive approach ensures that the benefits of your adjustment last longer and are more effective.

Dr. Alexander explains further: “I get a lot of patients who have a condition called upper cross syndrome, and there’s also a similar condition called lower cross syndrome. What happens is certain muscles are tight and certain muscles are weak, so the weak muscles need to be strengthened, and the tight muscles need to be stretched. If they’re not stretched, they’re going to continue to pull the spine out of its normal alignment, leading to pain, dysfunction, and even spinal degeneration if left for a long time”.

Reduces Muscle Tension

Another significant benefit of post-adjustment stretching is the reduction of muscle tension. It’s common to experience temporary soreness or muscle tightness after an adjustment. Stretching helps alleviate these symptoms by promoting relaxation and reducing stress in the affected areas. This enhances comfort and aids in quicker recovery, allowing you to return to your daily activities with greater ease.

Improves Flexibility and Reduces Risk of Injury

Incorporating regular stretching into your routine post-adjustment doesn’t just support the initial treatment. Stretching also improves your body’s flexibility and reduces the risk of injury.

Promotes Healing and Proper Posture

Additionally, stretching increases blood flow to the affected areas, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen that are vital for healing. This supports the maintenance of proper posture, which is crucial in preventing the recurrence of spinal misalignment.

Be an Active Participant in Your Recovery

The stretches your chiropractor recommends are tailored specifically to support your recovery and enhance the effectiveness of your adjustments. Regardless of which body part has been treated, these stretches are designed to optimize your health outcomes.

Schedule your next appointment at Alexander Chiropractic and Wellness in Pleasanton, and ask about integrating a personalized stretching routine into your treatment plan.

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