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Chiropractic Care: Before and After Your Baby Arrives

pregnant mama standingWhen you’re pregnant or just had a baby, your body goes through a lot-and that’s an understatement! Chiropractic care can help, both before and after birth, to deal with common pains and changes your body is experiencing. Here’s how our team can help support you pre and postnatal.

Start Early with Chiropractic Care

Getting chiropractic care before you’re pregnant is ideal because it can help prepare your body. But even if you’re already pregnant, it’s not too late to start. Chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy and can help with common issues like back and pelvic pain.

“When a mom is doing something as important as growing a human, it’s essential that she takes care of herself. Ensuring she’s feeling good, moving well, and creating a healthy environment for her baby to develop can lead to a more comfortable pregnancy and, hopefully, a smoother delivery, too,” says Dr. Rena Ahdut, who practices at our San Ramon location.

Keep Going After the Baby is Born

After your baby is born, your body still has a lot of adjusting to do. You might have back pain or pelvic pain because of a hormone called relaxin that sticks around after pregnancy. And now, you’ll also be lifting and holding your baby a lot, which can lead to new pains in your neck, shoulders, and back.

Addressing New Mom Challenges

Being a new mom can bring specific challenges like pain from breastfeeding or carrying your baby. Chiropractic care can help manage these new pains and teach you ways to avoid them.

Moms Need Care, Too

It’s important to take care of yourself after having a baby. Your body needs time to heal and recover, and you need to be in good shape physically and mentally to take care of your newborn.

Recovery Takes Time

Don’t rush your recovery after having a baby. Your body went through a lot during pregnancy, and it needs time to get back to normal. Chiropractic care can support you during this recovery process, helping you get back to feeling like yourself again.

Chiropractic care is a natural way to manage the physical changes of pregnancy and postpartum, helping you focus on caring for your new baby.

Book an appointment at our San Ramon location today!

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